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eLitmus Evaluation Pvt Ltd
Software Developer [2010 Batch]
eLitmus Evaluation Pvt Ltd
Full Time

₹ 4,01,000


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About eLitmus:
eLitmus is India’s largest fresher evaluation and recruitment company.Our evaluation is the most researched in India and has thought leadership to even exams like CAT.
The entire solution is made possible by extensive use of complex software algorithms and solutions.
Less than 15 % of the “leading” IT companies offer core development to freshers. At eLitmus, you will engage in building cutting-edge Internet Applications from Day 1.
We were among the first few including BaseCamp, Scribd, & Twitter to use Ruby on Rails (RoR) for Web Development, while the world was/is still stuck on Java.


- BE 2010 batch [CS/IT/IS Branches from PESIT & PESSE, Bangalore]

Selection Process:

1st round: Puzzle/Algorithm test
2nd round: Technical Interview for shortlisted candidates.
3rd round: Programming assignment on a computer using Java/c.

Compensation & Benefits:
- Annual fixed cost to company of INR 4,01,000/-
- Internship for six months from 18th Jan 2010 to 15th July 2010. Necessary breaks for exams and other academic activities will be given. During this period, candidate will be eligible for a stipend of Rs. 6000/- per month.
- 12 months probation once you join eLitmus full time. The paper work shall be completed at time of start of internship itself.

Important: This event on 13th January 2010 is only for Candidates from PESIT & PES School Of Engineering, Bangalore. Candidates from other colleges already had a process on 7th January and will NOT be eligible for this drive.